Sunday, April 17, 2011

Who nose!

Dear Mikkie,

As I was going through pictures one day, I looked at some older ones of Faith and saw one where she had her finger up her nose. I immediately recognized this pose, as you had done the same one just a year or so ago. I went to find it and put them side by side and it totally made my day. I actually laughed instead of crying at one of your pictures.

The exact same spot, the same hand, same finger.... you get the picture. (no pun intended) I just thought it was too funny to pass up showing you. I hope it made you smile too.

I love you sweet, sweet baby of mine! Thanks for giving me so memories to laugh and smile about.

Love me,



Lisa R.D. said...

Those cute girls make me smile too :). I think all kids have some sort of magnetic attraction between their forefinger and their nostrils. Thanks for sharing :).

slcver said...

Laura & Tim -
Many years ago our family were very good friends with the Harper family. Both families had kids pretty much the same ages. We grew up together and laughed a lot. Tim, remember that space station thing in your back yard? We loved climbing all over that thing. Anyway, I have recently reconnected with Traci, which I am so excited about. Tonight I looked at your blog and I am so sorry for your pain! Laura, you are an amazing woman of faith and a great example to others of us who take each day for granted. May God bless you in your journey. Thanks for sharing your thoughts as they strengthen and lift others. Our (my husband Mike Woodward and I) prayers are with you!

With Love - Stacy Vernon Woodward